Brian McClave

Brian McClave is an American artist. Through his audio collage and photographic time-lapse imagery, he observes the world in small increments of time that build up slowly into larger complex structures. The work is a second sound collage that transports the listener out of a city in lockdown, to another location, and a previous time. Audio clips gently weave chronologically through a full year spent in an English garden, including the voice of a resident gardener periodically interjecting with musings on life and natural cycles. “A Garden” is paired with “Apple Tree, One Year Exposure, Digital Slow Scan Photograph, 2017”. As the title indicates, a single iconic photograph is presented; however, it comprises of thousands of slices of chronological photographs, resulting in an image that represents a scan of the scene made throughout an extended period of one year. The apple tree changes according to the seasons as we move laterally from left to right through the photograph presenting the viewer with an opportunity for considering the passing of time, not unlike a memento mori. The apple tree is located in the garden where the sound recordings were made.
Curated by Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock, USA